目前分類:SQL (7)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

1. SQL Server 2000 Restore pre-requirement:

(1)You need to backup the following database : master , msdb and your own databases.
(2)sa's default database must be in database master.
(3)The new server's installed directory must be as the same as original one.
(4)New Server's version and server pack must be the same.

2.Open Enterprise Manager.

3.Restore database , msdb.

4.Now ready to restore database , master. Please stop SQL server and open a DOS prompt window. Change to the installed directory of SQL ,usually it should be in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Binn. Enter the following command to let SQL Server running in Single-User Mode, sqlservr.exe -c -m.

5.Re-open Enterprise Manager.

6.Restore database, master.

7.When SQL Server prompt the 'reconnect' message, please choose NO. At this moment, SQL server is shutdown when you successfully restore database , master.

8.Restart SQL Server, and Open Enterprise Manager to restore all your own database.

*This method could restore all your jobs and packages in the new server.

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select '('+dbo.fyymmdd(fse_comment_date)+')'+CHAR(10)+'●'+fse_comment from
(select p1.*,
(select count(*) from DesignT_DesignT_DODIDW_Comment as p2 where p2.unique_id> p1.unique_id and p2.faedesign00=p1.faedesign00) as c
from DesignT_DesignT_DODIDW_Comment as p1 where p1.faedesign00=DesignT_DODIDW.unique_id
) as A where c=3
from DesignT_DODIDW

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(1)use sp_dropextendedproc 'xp_sendmail' to drop xp_sendmail

(2)copy a new sqlmap70.dll from SQL Setup Disk replace where it was in your
SQL installation DISK

(3)use sp_addextendedproc 'xp_sendmail', 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
Server\MSSQL\Binn\sqlmap70.dll' (assuming our new sqlmap70.dll was there)

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Under certain circumstances, you may need to start an instance of Microsoft® SQL Server™ in single-user mode using the startup option -m. For example, you may want to change server configuration options or recover a damaged master database or other system database. Both actions require starting an instance of SQL Server in single-user mode.

When you start an instance of SQL Server in single-user mode:

Only one user can connect to the server.

The CHECKPOINT process is not executed. By default, it is executed automatically at startup.

The sp_configure system stored procedure allow updates option is enabled. By default, the allow updates option is disabled.

To start SQL Server in single-user mode
To start the default instance of SQL Server in single-user mode from a command prompt

From a command prompt, enter:
●sqlservr.exe -c -m

Note You must switch to the appropriate directory (for the instance of Microsoft® SQL Server™ you want to start) in the command window before starting sqlservr.exe.

-->This article is derived from SQL Server Books Online.

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如果要判斷目前執行的 SQL Server 2000 的版本,請使用 Query Analyzer 連線至 SQL Server 2000,並執行下列程式碼: SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productversion'), SERVERPROPERTY ('productlevel'), SERVERPROPERTY ('edition')
其結果為: ‧ 產品版本 (例如,8.00.534)。
‧ 產品等級 (例如,RTM 或 SP2 )。
‧ 版本 (例如,Standard Edition)。舉例來說,結果可能會是:

8.00.534 RTM Standard Edition

下表中列出 Sqlservr.exe 的版本編號:

版本 Sqlservr.exe
RTM 2000.80.194.0
SQL Server 2000 SP1 2000.80.384.0
SQL Server 2000 SP2 2000.80.534.0
SQL Server 2000 SP3 2000.80.760.0

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